Neat stuff, will bookmark this, thanks Greg!

On Tue, Jun 8, 2021, at 3:23 AM, Greg Minshall wrote:
> Samuel,
> > Can anyone post any video links to this kind of style of programming
> > being used directly in Emacs?
> there was an effort recently, that i'm tardy on reporting on here, to do
> an introduction to "emacs for R programmers".
> ----
> ----
> as part of that, i did a (either too short, or too long) video on Org
> mode, which, in reality, is pretty neutral w.r.t. programming language.
> you might find that of interest.  it's linked at the above ESS intro
> site.
> i hadn't known of Harry Schwartz's efforts -- thanks for that.
> > I know some people had mentioned in this thread that they use a .org
> > file for their given project, but can anyone link to any repos where
> > this is actually being used?
> many people here probably have repos with software.  two of mine are
> ----
> ----
> cheers, Greg

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