I am enjoying HABITS style, lately. They work great, but there is a task that doesn't show consistency graph correctly, I don't know why. Once in a while the graph is shown correctly.

I share my LOGBOOK. I think 1 day should appear blue, and the other ones, green.

In the attached file (image.png), I show the corresponding consistency graph.

"✓" means "done"

"☉" means "today"

** Repaso semanal
SCHEDULED: <2021-06-14 lu. ++7d/8d>
:STYLE:    habit
:LAST_REPEAT: [2021-06-09 mi. 11:05]
- State "HECHO"      from ""           [2021-06-09 mi. 11:05]
- State "HECHO"      from ""           [2021-06-01 ma. 09:35]
- State "HECHO"      from ""           [2021-05-24 lu. 11:40]
- State "HECHO"      from ""           [2021-05-17 lu. 09:14]
- State "HECHO"      from ""           [2021-05-12 mi. 13:04]
- State "HECHO"      from ""           [2021-05-06 ju. 10:39]
- State "HECHO"      from ""           [2021-04-12 lu. 09:49]

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