Matt Price <> writes:

>> I would like to be able to surround some portion of a subtree with a tag,

> Sorry for the noise, I believe this is user error.   I misread the exported
> source code, and firefox's developer tools added the closing tag for me, so
> I kept not seeing my mistake. The error here was not realizing that section
> contents get wrapped in their own div with class ~outline-text-N~, so my
> ~<div class="box">~ resulted in malformed HTML.
> I don't know if there is a way to somehow slide my own html in between the
> outine-text element and the outline-container element for a child subtree.
> If someone knows a way to do this, I'd appreciate a pointer, but for now I
> think I have to find another way to accomplish this.

As it so happens, this is something which has come up for me too. I
think in the future it could be worth adding a property that can be used
to wrap a section in certain HTML tag(s).

For now though... the best solution would be what Richard suggests.


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