
I'm wondering how to align the results from the R buffer (which I
like) vs. the results printed by Org-mode for table results. Here's a
toy example:

#+begin_src R :session foo :output results :type table :results value

tmp <- tibble(x=1:5, y=x/pi)

In org, I get this:

| 1 | 0.318309886183791 |
| 2 | 0.636619772367581 |
| 3 | 0.954929658551372 |
| 4 |  1.27323954473516 |
| 5 |  1.59154943091895 |

In the buffer, I get this:
      x     y
  <int> <dbl>
1     1 0.318
2     2 0.637
3     3 0.955
4     4 1.27
5     5 1.59

>From the tibble side, R points one to the pillar package[1], which
indeed affects the output in the buffer, but not in the Org results.

#+begin_src R :session foo :output results :type table :results value

tmp <- tibble(x=1:5, y=x/pi)

# A tibble: 5 × 2
      x     y
  <int> <dbl>
1     1   0.3
2     2   0.6
3     3   1.
4     4   1.
5     5   2.

The last example here touches on accomplish this[2]... but is the only
method to write an elisp block that post-process my R results? It
seems so enticing that R can output the correct format... can Org
latch onto the exact output somehow?

I also discovered the round_df package[3], so I could bring that into
the mix and round flexibly, it seems. I don't *really* want to round,
though, I just want more digestible output.

Many thanks for any pointers, I'm suspecting the answer is before my
eyes, but I haven't figured out the proper incantation of :results,
:type, :wrap, etc...

Best regards,


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