I would argue this is an org-roam bug rather than an org bug and so
needs to be reported to the org-roam maintainers.

org-roam is not part of org mode.

Peter Prevos <pe...@prevos.net> writes:

> Hi, I use file variables on the first line of some Org mode files to indicate
> the local Flyspell dictionary, e.g.:
> -*- mode: org; ispell-local-dictionary: "nederlands" -*-
> This line sets the dictionary to Dutch for this file only.
> This is useful functionality that allows me to indicate the language of files
> other than my default language.
> It works great, except when I need to add an ID for use in Org-Roam using the
> org-id-get-create function.
> The new drawer is placed on the first line of the buffer, so the local 
> variable
> declaration moves down and is as such no longer recognised as it is expected 
> on
> line 1. (File variable documentation: 
> https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Specifying-File-Variables.html)
> There is an ugly workaround by placing file variables at the end of the file, 
> as
> documented in the linked page.
> Regards
> P:)

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