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Hi Greg,

> i love the searching on list.orgmode.org, but i have this recurrent
> dream: that some day each e-mail message will come with a header listing
> the URL for that message on https://list.orgmode.org.  (though i also
> worry this might open us up to some sort of spam, or other, attack?)
> and, i'll add my thanks and congratulations on 9.5!
> cheers, Greg

If you use mu4e, the following may be of some interest:
#+begin_src elisp
(defun +mu4e-ml-message-link (msg)
   ((string= "emacs-orgmode.gnu.org" (mu4e-message-field msg :mailing-list))
    (message "Link %s copied to clipboard" (gui-select-text (format "https://list.orgmode.org/%s"; (mu4e-message-field msg :message-id)))))
   (t (user-error "Mailing list %s not supported" (mu4e-message-field msg :mailing-list)))))
(add-to-list 'mu4e-view-actions (cons "link to message ML" #'+mu4e-ml-message-link t))

I expect this could be adapted to other clients (notmuch, gnus, etc.)
without much trouble :)

All the best,\\

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