Hello all,

I have a case of a somewhat irregular org mode setup. Here are the givens:

- I have many org files. One for each week of the year, including a couple of 
generic ones, IE journal.org, routines.org, wiki.org, etc. All in all it's 
about 120 files or so, all loaded to my org-agenda.

- I've set up Emacs on a mac at work. I do not want my org files stored locally 
on that machine since it does not belong to me. Instead, I utilized using TRAMP 
to load the files. I access my remote ssh server with a key and it works OK.

- I need to use agenda searches with specific information, such as user names, 
machines names, program names etc. in my agenda to find specific cases.

As long as I worked with my files locally, things were OK. TRAMP slows me down 
a lot, though. I know the problem is not the connection because scp and ssh 
session works like a breeze. It seems the issues happens with indexing the 

I don't know what happens behind the scenes exactly, but it takes a good minute 
or to load my agenda with all the files, and it can take 10-15 minutes to 
search through them for a specific string. This problem also happens when I 
used sshfs, which makes me believe more strongly the problem is, again, not 
with the ssh connection itself, but with the indexing.

Is there a way to seep this up? Or perhaps a workaround you think might work? I 
want to use the GUI Emacs. What do you think? Also, what causes this?

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