
I use ditaa with org on a regular basis. Now that ditaa.jar is out of
org 9.5, I need to cope with the situtation.

I see two options, and neither was successful today. This is sort of
what I was afraid of when I voted for keeping ditaa bundled with org.

1. I am running Fedora 34, where ditaa is available as a
   package. However, just pointing org-ditaa-jar-path to the correct
   location /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar is not sufficient, because doing
   so leads to errors when trying to execute a ditaa babel block:

   Error: Unable to initialize main class 
   Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

   Taking a look at what the system binary "ditaa" does, I found the
   following shell script:

   # -----------------------------------------------------------------

   source /usr/share/java-utils/java-functions

   BASE_JARS="ditaa commons-cli xml-commons-apis batik"

   set_classpath $BASE_JARS

   run "$@"
   # -----------------------------------------------------------------

   Has anyone successfully fed all these parameters to ob-ditaa?

2. Ditaa is available via github at

   The developer section points to building with some clojure build
   system lein, which is not available in my system, and in Fedora,

   dnf list available '*lein*'

   gives me nothing useful.

   There are, however, ant build files available in ditaa repo under
   build. Then again, running ant with any parameters I could think of
   leads to the error

   /home/jarmo/src/ditaa/build/build.xml:6: The following error occurred while 
executing this line:
   /home/jarmo/src/ditaa/build/release.xml:67: /home/jarmo/src/ditaa/lib does 
not exist.

   Has anyone succesfully compiled ditaa for use with org?

Have fun and stay safe.


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