On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 9:18 AM Rudolf Adamkovič <salu...@me.com> wrote:
> "Bruce D'Arcus" <bdar...@gmail.com> writes:
> > ATM, your only option is to do "(p. 42)."
> Bummer.

You could put in a feature request though ;-)

Aside: the other way to handle this, which has been discussed in the
pandoc community, is to allow infixes, along with the current prefixes
and suffixes.

But that would make an already pretty complex model more complex.

> > It would be possible (easy?) to add a "locators" style to
> > citeproc-el/oc-csl as in oc-biblatex, in which case you would
> > do:
> >
> > According to [cite/text:@someone-2021], foo-bar
> > [cite/locators:@someone-2021].
> [cite/locators:@someone-2021 42] rather, right?

Yes, that's right!


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