
I have Emacs 26.3 + Org mode 9.4.6.

I tried to recompile an org-beamer file I created a few moths ago (see 
equivalent MCE attached), but it did not succeed.

The thing is I was #+INCLUDing a .dot file (also attached for completeness, but 
it could be any .dot file). I was putting the result inside a scalebox:

@@latex: \center \scalebox{.85}{@@
#+INCLUDE: test.dot src dot :file test.png

I don't know how it was translated in previous versions of org-mode but it 
compiled perfectly.

Now I get error "! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item." 
during LaTeX compilation.

It seems the problem comes from the fact that the included file is 
automatically \begin{center}ed, which conflicts with my scalebox, as seen in 
output .tex file:

\begin{frame}[label={sec:org0a44c10}]{Test Slide}
 \center \scalebox{.85}{


When I remove the \begin/end{center}, the .tex file compiles fine.

I've tried to add ":center false" in the #+INCLUDE instruction and in a 
#+ATTR_LATEX preceding the #+INCLUDE. With no success.

I cannot find anything about centering (or not) a #+INCLUDE results in the docs 
nor in the mailing list.

Maybe there is a way to rescale the output without the \scalebox too, but I 
couldn't find how. Whatever I put in the #+ATTR_LATEX before the #+INCLUDE or 
in the #+INCLUDE (:cmdline -Gsize for dot) does not seem to be taken into 

So any help would be appreciated.

BTW, thanks for the magnificent tools. I use them everyday and I love them!


Guillaume MULLER
Data Scientist, PhD
Télécom Saint-Étienne (office i119)
25 rue du Dr Remy Annino
Laboratoire Hubert Curien (office e002)
18 rue du Pr Benoît Lauras
42000 Saint-Étienne

Attachment: test.dot
Description: application/msword-template

#+STARTUP: showall indent beamer

#+LATEX_CLASS: beamer

* Test Slide

#+ATTR_LATEX: :width .1\textwidth
#+ATTR_DOT: size="9,15"
#+INCLUDE: test.dot src dot results :cmdline -Tpng -Gsize=9,15 -Gdpi=100 :file 

Attachment: OpenPGP_signature
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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