
M. ‘quintus’ Gülker <post+orgmod...@guelker.eu> writes:

> CSL has a concept of locales, where things like specific terms or the
> date format are drawn from locale files (see
> https://docs.citationstyles.org/en/1.0.1/specification.html#locale). I
> am not entirely sure if this is supported yet by the new citations
> functionality. Take this test document test.org:
>     #+TITLE: Test
>     #+LANGUAGE: de
>     #+AUTHOR: Testauthor
>     #+bibliography: /tmp/test/test.bib
>     #+cite_export: csl /tmp/test/juristische-zitierweise.csl
>     Das ist ein Test. [cite: @boehme-neßler2017unscharfes-recht-digital p. 
> 3033] Zweiter Satz.
>     Noch ein Test. [cite: @akbarian2020oeffentliche-raeume]


> juristische-zitierweise.csl is a style for longer judicial works and
> available from the CSL repository at 
> https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/blob/e22b8a566bad9b4c7f52720f60dd875057a5d210/juristische-zitierweise.csl.
> Given that test.org spefies “#+LANGUAGE: de”, I would expect that
> exporting uses the German terms and date format. However, exporting e.g.
> to HTML gives this in the bibliography:
>     Akbarian, Samira, An einen, der vorüberfuhr, Stand: December 14,
>     2020, https://verfassungsblog.de/an-einen-der-voruberfuhr/
>     (accessed 01/02/2021).
> The correctly German word “Stand” is hardcoded in
> juristische-zitierweise.el, so ignore that one for a moment. Other than
> that, you will notice that the date format is US English. This should
> not be the case. 

I think you need to provide locales in addition to the style file, see

Nicolas Goaziou

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