I've had something strange going on for days that I haven't been able to figure out. With my usual set up, I can get things working except that any Org files initially loaded up aren't recognized as Org, but if I run =M-x org-mode= it all kicks in. There were also transient errors about avl-tree-something showing. (Whether this is connected to the R problem I mentioned a few days ago, I don't know, but this was worse so I'm trying to figure it out first.)

I spent a while trying it out with various methods that just confused me more (and made me consider declaring init backruptcy), but eventually I got it down to something that I think is reproducible but doesn't make sense to me.

I run Org from source and Emacs from source. I've kept both up to date and remade them over the past few days as I've been working on this.

I used the minimal-org.el file from https://orgmode.org/org.html#Feedback .

I have a problem.org file that is just:

#+begin_src org
,#+TITLE: Problem?
,#+STARTUP: showall

These are both in /tmp/.

I run:

$ cd /usr/local/src/org-mode
$ git pull
$ git rev-parse HEAD
$ make autoloads
$ cd /tmp/
$ emacs -Q -l minimal-org.el

Emacs starts, I hit =C-x C-f problem.org= ... and I get this error (also attached; I deleted a list of file modes to make it more readable):

  Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-element-keyword-parser)
    org-element-keyword-parser(39 (19))
    set-auto-mode-0(org-mode nil)
    set-auto-mode--apply-alist((("\\.gpg\\(~\\|\\.~[0-9]+~\\)?\\'" nil 
epa-file) MUCH DELETED nil nil)
    after-find-file(nil t)
    find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer problem.org> "/tmp/problem.org" nil nil 
"/tmp/problem.org" (933773 2052))
    find-file-noselect("/tmp/problem.org" nil nil t)
    find-file("/tmp/problem.org" t)
    funcall-interactively(find-file "/tmp/problem.org" t)
    call-interactively(find-file nil nil)

I have no idea what's causing that. Is this reproducible? Does anyone know what's going on? Surely if other people were seeing it they'd have reported it, but if this isn't reproducible I don't know why.

Thanks for any help!


William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-element-keyword-parser)
  org-element-keyword-parser(39 (19))
  org--collect-keywords-1(("SETUPFILE" "FILETAGS" "TAGS" "ARCHIVE" "CATEGORY" 
("/tmp/problem.org") nil)
  org-collect-keywords(("FILETAGS" "TAGS" "ARCHIVE" "CATEGORY" "COLUMNS" 
  set-auto-mode-0(org-mode nil)
  set-auto-mode--apply-alist((("\\.gpg\\(~\\|\\.~[0-9]+~\\)?\\'" nil epa-file) 
("\\.elc\\'" . elisp-byte-code-mode) ("\\.zst\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.dz\\'" 
nil jka-compr) ("\\.xz\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.lzma\\'" nil jka-compr) 
("\\.lz\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.g?z\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.bz2\\'" nil 
jka-compr) ("\\.Z\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.vr[hi]?\\'" . vera-mode) 
("\\(?:\\.\\(?:rbw?\\|ru\\|rake\\|thor\\|jbuilder\\|rabl\\|ge..." . ruby-mode) 
("\\.re?st\\'" . rst-mode) ("\\.py[iw]?\\'" . python-mode) ("\\.m\\'" . 
octave-maybe-mode) ("\\.less\\'" . less-css-mode) ("\\.scss\\'" . scss-mode) 
("\\.awk\\'" . awk-mode) ("\\.\\(u?lpc\\|pike\\|pmod\\(\\.in\\)?\\)\\'" . 
pike-mode) ("\\.idl\\'" . idl-mode) ("\\.java\\'" . java-mode) ("\\.m\\'" . 
objc-mode) ("\\.ii\\'" . c++-mode) ("\\.i\\'" . c-mode) ("\\.lex\\'" . c-mode) 
("\\.y\\(acc\\)?\\'" . c-mode) ("\\.h\\'" . c-or-c++-mode) ("\\.c\\'" . c-mode) 
("\\.\\(CC?\\|HH?\\)\\'" . c++-mode) ("\\.[ch]\\(pp\\|xx\\|\\+\\+\\)\\'" . 
c++-mode) ("\\.\\(cc\\|hh\\)\\'" . c++-mode) ("\\.\\(bat\\|cmd\\)\\'" . 
bat-mode) ("\\.[sx]?html?\\(\\.[a-zA-Z_]+\\)?\\'" . mhtml-mode) ("\\.svgz?\\'" 
. image-mode) ("\\.svgz?\\'" . xml-mode) ("\\.x[bp]m\\'" . image-mode) 
("\\.x[bp]m\\'" . c-mode) ("\\.p[bpgn]m\\'" . image-mode) ("\\.tiff?\\'" . 
image-mode) ("\\.gif\\'" . image-mode) ("\\.png\\'" . image-mode) 
("\\.jpe?g\\'" . image-mode) ("\\.te?xt\\'" . text-mode) ("\\.[tT]e[xX]\\'" . 
tex-mode) ("\\.ins\\'" . tex-mode) ("\\.ltx\\'" . latex-mode) ("\\.dtx\\'" . 
doctex-mode) ("\\.org\\'" . org-mode) ("\\.dir-locals\\(?:-2\\)?\\.el\\'" . 
lisp-data-mode) ("eww-bookmarks\\'" . lisp-data-mode) ...) nil nil)
  after-find-file(nil t)
  find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer problem.org> "/tmp/problem.org" nil nil 
"/tmp/problem.org" (933773 2052))
  find-file-noselect("/tmp/problem.org" nil nil t)
  find-file("/tmp/problem.org" t)
  funcall-interactively(find-file "/tmp/problem.org" t)
  call-interactively(find-file nil nil)

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