On 24/10/2021 15:34, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

`org-version' with FULL argument checks whether org and org-loaddedfs
are loaded from the same directory and adds "mixed installation!" to the
version string. `org-submit-bug-report' puts full version to the message
subject but it is easily to miss this warning since it is in the middle
of the long string.

Yes, but unfortunately it does not handle early Org loading correctly.

Try the following init.el:

(require 'org)
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "/path/to/newest/org-mode/lisp"))

Then run emacs -Q -l /path/to/init.el

M-x org-version does not report anything suspicious even though
M-x org-mode will error on current main because old 'org is trying to
load files from the new load-path.

You are right, `org-version' can not catch such case. However improvements of mixed install detection should be incorporated into `org-submit-bug-report'. I would not mind to have more prominent warning in the message body, maybe even with the link to the FAQ entry.

+          (loaded-features (seq-filter
+                           (lambda (f) (memq (alist-get 'provide f)
+                                        org-feature-list))
+                            load-history))

Some time ago I found `featurep' function, so I am curious if there are reasons why it should not be used here.

If earlier loaded org modules is a problem during update and compiling of new sources, couldn't it be solved by `eval-when-compile'? E.g. by new `org-require' macro that wraps `require' and checks that the file is loaded from the same directory (e.g. org-loaddefs, the required file, and the compiled file)? The idea is that such code should not depend on particular package manager.

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