Hi Tim,

>> The parsing of “555” to the integer 555 is done by
>> org-babel-parse-header-arguments, and so can’t really be changed.
> I don't understand this. Why can't it be changed?

Well, it can't be changed without changing
org-babel-parse-header-arguments, which is quite a major change and I
suspect may be a breaking change.

Maybe it's fine? I just don't feel confident about this.

> When I said disable base 10 values, what I meant was generate an error
> if the value looks like it is base 10 i.e. does not have a leading o or
> #o. This makes it clear it has to be specified as an octal value and
> will alert users to this fact.

This is all well and good, but the point I'm making is that since due to
the current behaviour of org-babel-parse-header-arguments we can't
distinguish between :tangle-mode (identity #o555) and :tangle-mode 365
putting this idea /into practice/ doesn't look like it will be easy.

It's also worth noting that with regard to the recent changes that have
been made, this is not a new issue.

>> I think the ls-style is quite valuable for two reasons. It’s
>> well-established thanks to ls, and is particularly good for
>> understanding permissions at a glance.
> I would agree it is an established way to display the permissions
> associated with a filesystem object, but disagree it is a well
> established way to set such values - I know of no other tool which uses
> this format.

The driving motivation here is that while the tools which you mention do
not use this for setting permissions (e.g. chmod), they are only used
for /setting/ permissions. Since Org files aren't write-only, and
occasionally we go back and look at what we've written :P I think
allowing a format that is optimised for ease-of-reading instead of
ease-of-writing makes some sense. It is in this respect that I think
ls -l style is a good idea.

> It is also not the same as the ls -l display (no object
> type indicator). The ls -l also displays sticky bit, uid and gid. Does
> your format also support setting these values (something which can be
> done with the octal or symbolic formats) i.e. support s, S, t and T for
> the 'executable' bit for user/group?

Ah, I'm afraid that I'm not that up-together on sticky bits. I suspect
that it's not just the ls -l style that will need tweaking. I'll read up
on this in the next few days and update the ML.

> Personally, I prefer the symbolic form as it is shorter and clear. I
> find the ls -l form too easy to get wrong (especially with getting the
> number of '-' correct).

Isn't choice a great thing? :D In seriousness, this is exactly why I
think it's worth providing these options. At least thinking back to when
I started using Linux a few years ago I would have said the same thing
about the octal form, and was completely unfamiliar with chmod. I expect
different people to have different preferences with these three options,
but for one of them to be something most people are happy with.

>> Tim suggested that invalid forms should cause tangling to fail, but I feel 
>> this
>> may be a bit much. Personally I’m inclined to either
>> • warn, and don’t touch the file permissions (this is what currently occurs)
>> • use a very conservative file permission (e.g. rw——-).
> I'm unsure on this. My concern is people may not notice the warning and
> then be surprised later. Given the potential security issues, a later
> surprise is something to be avoided even if it is inconvenient. With
> respect to the default action to take, I would suggest we also need to
> look at the default umask setting for the user and if that is more
> restrictive, use that rather than some value like rw------- For all we
> know, the user has set a specific umask for a valid reason and will be
> surprised if emacs just ignores that to do what it wants (another
> surprise to be avoided).

> The user is not required to specify a mode. However, if they do and if
> we cannot interpret what they have specified without ambiguity, we
> should throw an error and cease processing. Making a guess as to what
> they intended in this situation is IMO a big mistake.

I don't see how using the default permissions is a potential security
risk? Could it surprise the user, yes, but that seems unavoidable when
the user is doing something invalid.

> My only preference for "#o" over just "o" prefix is to clearly signal to
> the user that it is an octal value and avoid the situation where you
> might glance a value and see the leading 'o' as a '0', missing the point
> it is an octal value not a decimal one. However, this seems like a low
> risk, so I'm happy either way.

Well, I've got "o" for now but that's not set in stone. With a lower
case "o" I feel the risk for confusion with "0" is quite low (besides
which a "0" prefix seems to be the C-style for octal anyway).

All the best,

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