if random sorting of siblings is useful, another entry in the sorting
menu, dedicated to it, would eliminate any issues with completion.

it is a clever idea to feed random to sort by function.  maybe some
won't catch the connection.  just a possibility.  not trying to bloat.

On 11/23/21, Vikas Rawal <vikasli...@agrarianresearch.org> wrote:
>> I think that depends on the completion framework.  With the default
>> completion, yes, I think RET should do it.  With ivy, it's instead
>> ivy-immediate-done (C-M-j).  I'm not sure offhand about other
>> frameworks.
> That's what it needed. Thanks.
> I wonder if there would be a better way to document this somewhere so that
> people using different completion frameworks could figure out how to do it.
> It seems to be something that would be useful to others.
> Thanks again
> Vikas

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