On 12/22/21 3:24 AM, juh wrote:
In the meantime I debugged my context styles and discovered that ox-
context starts with section not with chapters. My styles are always
book styles starting at chapter level. *feeling a little dumb*

I browsed through the code and found no hint for a book-like preset or
a switch to start at chapter level. I made a feature request about

Thank you for bringing this up. I'd like to discuss this a bit with you
before implementing such a feature.

I'm not sure how an implementation of this would look to the end user.
ConTeXt has the following system:

\part                   highest level of sectioning
\chapter                level 2
\section                level 3
\subsection             level 4
\subsubsection          level 5
\subsubsubsection       level 6
\subsubsubsubsection    level 7
\title                  level 2, unnumbered
\subject                level 3, unnumbered
\subsubject             level 4, unnumbered
\subsubsubject          level 5, unnumbered
\subsubsubsubject       level 6, unnumbered
\subsubsubsubsubject    level 7, unnumbered

So there are a couple of questions that need to be answered:

1. There's no "level 1, unnumbered" sectioning command in ConTeXt.
   How should this be handled?
2. How does the user specify which sectioning scheme to use?

Question (1) implies that the user may need to choose their highest
level to be either a part or a chapter in order to have unnumbered
level 1 sections. Things start to get complicated if we do that.

To avoid these questions, I went with the simplest implementation
possible and just concatenated "sub"*n with either "section" or
"subject" to create a sectioning command of depth n.

My understanding is that the sectioning commands are flexible enough
that any desired result in the output pdf can be produced by modifying
the sectioning commands in the preamble. However, if you are using
existing environments that rely on those specific names you are out of

For your purposes, if you need a fix _right now_, consider overriding
the definition of `org-context--get-headline-command` to something
like this:

#+begin_src elisp
(defun org-context--get-headline-command (headline info)
  "Create a headline name with the correct depth.
HEADLINE is the headline object. INFO is a plist containing
contextual information."
  (let* ((level (org-export-get-relative-level headline info))
         (numberedp (org-export-numbered-headline-p headline info))
           ((and (= 1 level) numberedp) "chapter")
           ((= 1 level) "title")
(t (let ((prefix (apply 'concat (make-list (+ level (- 2)) "sub")))
                    (suffix (if numberedp "section" "subject")))
                (concat prefix suffix)))))
         (notoc (org-export-excluded-from-toc-p headline info)))
    (if notoc
        (format "%sNoToc" hname)

One more thing.


results in the verbatim line

OrgBlockQuoteEnu­mEmpty 1

in the pdf and a very indented quote block.

In html export I get an normal indented blockquote.

This is fixed on the "develop" branch as of today. I missed a comma...



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