P.S.: I have come up with another possibility, more automatic, on the
LaTeX side, if you compile with LuaTeX. This thread
where someone proposes to use a \savebox for concrete images, gave me
the idea. We can automate that through a simple function in Lua, and add
it to the `process_input_buffer' callback, in order to the caption
*always* has the width of each image:

You can put this in your Org document:

#+NAME: luacode
#+begin_src latex :exports none

  function caption_width ( text )
  text = string.gsub ( text, "(\\includegraphics.+)", "\\sbox0{%1}")
  text = string.gsub ( text, "(\\caption{.+})", 
  return text

( "process_input_buffer" , caption_width , "caption_width" )}}


#+begin_src latex :noweb yes :results raw
,#+LaTeX_HEADER: <<luacode>>

And then:

#+CAPTION: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit
#+ATTR_LaTeX: :width .3\linewidth

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

Juan Manuel Macías writes:

> If you use the caption package (https://www.ctan.org/pkg/caption), you
> can indicate in each figure the width of the caption. In this case, you
> would have to introduce the code using raw latex via the `:caption'
> property:
> #+LaTeX_Header: \usepackage{caption}
> #+ATTR_LaTeX: :caption \captionsetup{width=.3\linewidth}\caption{Lorem ipsum 
> dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit}
> #+ATTR_LaTeX: :width .3\linewidth
> [[file_path]]

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