
> First, thank you (many times) for maintaining emacs-jupyter. It is one of the 
> most-used tools on my computer. I've been using your software daily for the 
> past few years to develop code and write papers.

Your welcome, I'm glad that my efforts on the project mean that there are 
people who have integrated it into their daily workflow!

> issues inputting tables into Python code blocks

The issue that I found was related to how, with a cached result, the
result is eventually read by org-babel-read-result, which in turn
calls org-babel-read-element.  And org-babel-read-element returns nil
for results in a drawer.  I'm assuming because there is not a standard
way to interpret drawer results as Lisp.  Perhaps interpreting the
drawer as a list of results?  So that in the particular case mentioned
org-babel-read-result would return a list of one element containing
the corresponding table.

> I throw it out there as a concept/idea

I do like the idea of a standalone document that contains everything
without the need of external resources.  So there would be a "*
Graphics" section containing base64 encoded images and then maybe on
opening the document, those get translated to image links under their
respective locations. Maybe by default we treat the "* Graphics"
section similar to a section tagged as ARCHIVE so that a user doesn't
have to weary themselves with all those encoded images.  I would
suggest opening up a new issue requesting the feature so we can talk
more about it.

> Thanks again for the excellent software,

Your welcome,

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