On Friday, 14 Jan 2022 at 14:44, fatipa...@tutanota.com wrote:
> I would like to include the customisation using elisp code

Have a look at, for instance,

,----[ C-h f set-face-foreground RET ]
| set-face-foreground is an interactive native compiled Lisp function in
| ‘faces.el’.
| (set-face-foreground FACE COLOR &optional FRAME)
| Change the foreground color of face FACE to COLOR (a string).
| FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
| COLOR can be a system-defined color name (see ‘list-colors-display’)
| or a hex spec of the form #RRGGBB.
| When called interactively, prompts for the face and color.

and equivalent for background.  I think there's a more general way of
setting all the properties but I don't know enough as I use the
customisation interface for these.

: Eric S Fraga, with org release_9.5.2-306-g9623da in Emacs 29.0.50

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