On 16-Jan-22 08:53, Max Nikulin wrote:
Dejan, have you tried :java or :cmdline header arguments?

Hi Max! Yes, I have tried with those header arguments and they naturally work. Maybe I should've mentioned that.

But, since ob-plantuml already had variable for arguments for executable it fells natural to me to have customizable variables for when using jar. These headers are of course easier, but the user would have to write them on each source block to achieve something that should be globally customizable (like charset).

On 15-Jan-22 07:20, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
See the attached patch. It appears that we can simply carry over the
executable args to jar (but please test it on other systems!)
I have tested the patch on my machine and it works fine. I have set
the new/renamed variable like this:
(setq org-plantuml-args (list "-headless" "-charset" "UTF-8"))

and tried the same example:

#+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file ./test.png
  A -> B: Hello ∧

and it renders correctly.
However, I have a couple of concerns.

I second the concern that Max stated:
Is there a case when some arguments are suitable for dedicated binary but 
should be avoided for jar (when a user has both executable from system package 
and manually downloaded jar having newer version)? It may be a reason to have 
separate variables (or header arguments).
I believe it is better design decision to separate arguments for executable and jar.

Since we are making jar arguments customizable, we should think about adding java arguments customizable (also mentioned by Max!). This line in patch:
+               "-Djava.awt.headless=true"
can be also added to a separate variable.

Lastly, there is a typo in the patch:
+** Removed or renamed functions and variables
+*** =org-plantump-executable-args= is renamed and applies to jar as well
+The new variable name is =org-plantump-args=.  It now applies to both
+jar PlantUML file and executable.
Word plantump should be plantuml I guess. :-)

Thanks all,

Dejan Josifović | Дејан Јосифовић
Software engineer | Софтверски инжењер

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