On 05 February 2022 18:49, Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> jus want to state the obvious here in case it is useful [but everybody
> probbly lready knows] --- not everybody uses packages or maybe trusts
> them has internet etc.

Indeed! What I posted assumes using packages, but they also work with
any package-desc object. So, if you download it locally and build the
package-desc for it it should also work, just have to put it in place of
the assq:

>>     (let ((pkg-desc (assq 'org package-archive-contents)))
>>       (package-install pkg-desc))

Although Tim was referring to packages on ELPA that are also built-in.

João Pedro de A. Paula
IT undergraduate at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

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