Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> writes:

> I think we have to be very wary here. I can see any changes here causing
> lots of breakage for people. I know for my own use case, I use
> timestamps a lot in property draws and various source blocks. I never
> want any of them showing up in my agenda.

FYI, the default agenda behaviour around a month ago was exactly what
you want to avoid (assuming that you use active timestamps). I explained
in more details in 
Let's keep discussion of the original issue in the original thread.

> Unfortunately, I think org timestamps is a bit of a mess and we need to
> be very careful about further complicating matters. The inability to
> handle timezones is a major limitation IMO. The inability to handle
> daylight savings transitions in a consistent manner (particularly for
> calculation of periods, duration, etc) is often a source of errors and
> if you are unfortunate enough to regularly travel across different
> timezones, forget about using org mode to manage your schedule.
> I have done several deep dives into org-mode's timestamp stuff, but
> usually come back up gasping for air. Managing data and time data is
> often far more complicated than it may appear on the surface. I think we
> need to be extremely conservative when considering changes in this area
> (it is the main reason I've never managed to find a way to add time zone
> data - every solution I could think of was either really high on the
> level of breakage and frustration it would create for users or it
> adversely impacted the convenience/usability of org timestamps). 

I sympathise with you. I still remember my struggle when I had to travel
across multiple time zones. Anyway, the timezone issue have been
discussed multiple times within last 10 years or so. It is complex and
nobody managed to come with a good idea how to approach it.


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