On 30/03/2022 12:14, Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez wrote:

Thanks for answering :-) I'm currently solving the issue with

#+BEGIN_export LaTeX
student@juju:~$ \textbf{sudo bootstrap-juju.sh}

What I was wondering is whether we could have something like:

#+ATTR_LATEX :raw t :attributes [commandchars=\\\{\}]
student@juju:~$ \textbf{sudo bootstrap-juju.sh}

I think, it is better to add :attributes parameter support to #+begin_example block. It may be added to org, for a while you can use a custom derived backend. See info "(org) Advanced Export Configuration" https://orgmode.org/manual/Advanced-Export-Configuration.html

You need to define an example-block filter, current implementation is https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs/org-mode.git/tree/lisp/ox-latex.el#n1853

I never tried it but perhaps it is possible to customize the listings LaTeX package for automatic highlighting of text after shell prompt. In Org #+begin_src blocks may use lstlisting environment.

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