Eros Zaupa <> writes:

> I would like to move the properties drawer to a separate file and import it
> into the main one. To do so I'm using the `#SETUPFILE` property suggested
> [here][1], but this doesn't seem to work.

Though I am not 100% sure.

Org is indeed ignoring top-level property drawer when parsing

Dear All,
I think that parsing top-level property drawer is simply an omission
from the time we introduced top-level property drawers into syntax.

We may either implement this support or leave things as is and document
the current behaviour.

I would be in favour of implementing top-level drawer support in
SETUPFILE, but there might be alternative opinions. WDYT?

Dear Eros Zaupa,

> ******
>     #+SETUPFILE:
>     #+begin_src sh
>     echo ${A}
>     #+end_src
>     #+RESULTS:
> ******
>     :header-args:sh: :var A="this is a"
>     :END:

To work around your issue, you can use keyword property syntax:


#+PROPERTY: header-args:sh :var A="this is a"


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