Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

> I am looking for  convenient method to generate a weekly calendar in
> table form that looks like
> #+begin_src 
> |       Hours | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri |
> |   8:00-9:00 |     |     |     |     |     |
> |  9:00-10:00 |     |     |     |     |     |
> |             |     |     |     |     |     |
> |             |     |     |     |     |     |
> |             |     |     |     |     |     |
> |             |     |     |     |     |     |
> |             |     |     |     |     |     |
> |             |     |     |     |     |     |
> |             |     |     |     |     |     |
> |             |     |     |     |     |     |
> |             |     |     |     |     |     |
> | 19:00-20:00 |     |     |     |     |     |
> #+end_src
> But, of course the missing hours should be inserted automatically.
> A poor man's solution would be to do it manually and to save the table
> as a template, but is there a way to generate it using org's table
> functionality?

Eric gave you a way that you asked (using Org table functionality), but
another way could be to simply use a bunch of insert statements.  Or
rather, 1-2 to insert the header, followed by a loop with a starting
time, interval, etc.

Two advantages to that approach:

1. You could specify start, end time and resolution (spacing) as
arguments (might not be needed).

2. You would not need a 'duration' column.

3. No need for formula (which leaves more room for your own, should you
need it).

Just another way to do the same thing.


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