Max Nikulin writes:

> Do termux and emacs build for it have support of D-Bus or notify-send
> binary?

I'm not sure, but I would say yes, because Termux has a repository for
X11 applications and to be able to run desktop environments and
graphical applications (via VNC). But in such a case, I understand that
notify-send would only have life within that frame.

Full GNU/Linux distros can also be installed on termux in a proot
environment. In fact, there is another application, andronix, which
speeds up the process through a series of scripts. Recently I tried
to install using Arch and it worked fine (at least in the installation,
another thing is what can be done in there...).

Anyway, I agree with you about the caveats you mention around termux.
Termux and those other neighboring projects are very notable but they
are still (to put it in some way) juggling games and tightrope walks
without a net. A year ago I made the decision not to use a smartphone,
but lately I have been forced to go back to these devices for work
reasons, so I thought of Termux as the foreigner who is in a strange
land and finds something familiar :- ) The ideal would be a smartphone
running GNU/Linux, but there seems to be a long way to go: hostile
hardware, no drivers... I'm more or less aware of projects like librem
or pinephone, but I'm too lazy to do the disbursement...

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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