Thanks for your effort, Ihor

But that code is so difficult for me, that I can barely understand it.

El 29/05/2022 a las 3:19, Ihor Radchenko escribió:
Ypo<>  writes:

I wanted to export my # comments so I could share my notes with more people, 
using HTML export. I would export all of them.

But, as it seems not possible, I think I will use footnotes. I liked # comments more, 
because their face can be customized and because they are nearer to the commented text 
(although footnotes can be moved manually wherever user wants to), # comments are like 
more "natural".
It is actually possible, but you will need to write an
org-export-before-parsing-hook that will convert all the comments into
exportable elements.

Not tested, but the hook might be something like

(defun org-export-replace-comments (_)
"Replace all the comments with note blocks."
    (lambda (comment)
      (setf (buffer-substring (org-element-property :begin comment) 
(org-element-property :end comment))
           (format "#+begin_note\n%s\n#+end_node\n" (org-element-property 
:value comment))))
    :granularity 'element
    :restrict-elements '(comment)))


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