On 08/06/2022 09:10, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Samuel Wales writes:

more confused than ever.  i hoped i could just run a rename command,
or possibly rename maint to bugfix in config.

Max tends to go very deeply into details.

I never used branch.*.rebase configuration. By the way, git-pull and git-config man pages a full of warnings related to this feature. I assume that source of configuration is

For starters, you can just:
1. Rename maint -> bugfix
2. Rename master -> main
3. Set origin to https://git.sv.gnu.org/emacs/org-mode.git (read-only)
4. Set remote for the local main and bugfix branches as origin
5. fetch the latest origin
6. Rebase you local branches onto origin/main and origin/bugfix

I strongly recommend using magit to work with git repos.

I have not tested the following commands

git remote set-url origin https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/org-mode.git
    git branch --set-upstream-to=bugfix local
    git fetch

I see no point in renaming of branches since branches with new names and proper tracking will be created on attempt to checkout.

I am sorry for a type, in my previous mail it should be "git remote -v show", not "git remove -v show".

You may try "git fetch --prune" to remove references to remote branches that are not existing in the repository any more.

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