Bastien Guerry <> writes:

> Hi Ihor,
> Ihor Radchenko <> writes:
>> Sorry. is outdated. Bastien, could you update it?
> Done, thanks for the heads up.

Thanks Bastien, that will help!

Just a couple of questions regarding all of this (really just
background and to anyone who may have the knowledge, not just Bastien)

Is there any reason we don't use a CSS framework, like bulma or
tailwind to manage the CSS? I know that using JS can be an issue, but
what about a CSS only framework with an MIT license? This would make it
*much* easier to have a site which is both responsive and looks good on
different sized displays, is accessibility compliant, works well across
different browsers and is easier to maintain while still avoiding
inclusion of JS (Ironically, I know JS a lot better than CSS!). 

I'm going to see if I can get a local copy of worg running so that I
have an environment to work with. However, one thing which occurs to me
is that it might be quite nice if we also had a dev site in addition to
the prod site. It should be possible to setujp something with CI such
that you could deploy to a 'dev' url on rather than the
production one. This would make testing of patches etc much easier. It
would also mean I could do the work I'm looking at, deploy to dev site,
ask for feedback on the list, review and later deploy to prod site
without affecting the prod site until we are ready. To do this, it would
be necessary to have Bastien (or someone with the necessary access)
assistance to modify server configurations (like web server config). 

Finally, Bastien and others who may have worked on worg previously, if
yuou have any notes or points which you think it would help for me to
know, please feel free to send them through directly. While I've done a
bit of HTML and CSS in the past, I've only ever used org mode for very
simple/minor HTML output and usually for my own personal consumption.
I've never taken advantage of the publishing side of org. 

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