On Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 8:50 AM Cletip Cletip <clement020...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Final question : why do you use description lists and not another ?

I use description lists *heavily*.

1. For description lists of course.. where the "description" part is a
bit verbose and plain lists don't look at that elegant

For example, this in Org

****** Customizing ~local.mk~ (Optional)
Here are few variables that you might like to change in the ~local.mk~:
- ~prefix~ :: Org installation directory
  #+begin_src makefile
  prefix = /dir/where/you/want/to/install/org # Default: /usr/share
  The ~.el~ files will go to ~$(prefix)/emacs/site-lisp/org~ by
  default. If you'd like to change that, change the ~lispdir~
  variable too.
- ~infodir~ :: Org Info installation directory. I like to keep the
  Info file for development version of Org in a separate directory.
  #+begin_src makefile
  infodir = $(prefix)/org/info # Default: $(prefix)/info
- ~ORG_MAKE_DOC~ :: Types of Org documentation you'd like to build by
  default.  Setting below generates only the Org Info manual.
  #+begin_src makefile
  ORG_MAKE_DOC = info # Default: html pdf

exports to 

2. Where something would belong in a sub-heading, but not quite
exactly? I can only describe that using one of my examples:

***** Using ~pip install~
If you do not want to manually download the ~.jar~, there's a Python
wrapper available to do the same for you:
- Install ::
  #+begin_src shell
  pip install --user html5validator
- Run ::
  #+begin_src shell
  html5validator --root public/
  It seems like this Python wrapper implicitly passes ~--skip-non-html

exports to https://scripter.co/offline-html5-validator/#using-pip-install

3. Sometimes I also use it for adding Notes to a section

- Note :: While the =%.1f= format is handy for those who are used to
          =printf()= syntax, note that Calc unlimited precision
          numbers are converted to double floats before applying
          =%.1f=. Whereas =f1= operates on Calc numbers without

exports to the Note in

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