On 19/06/2022 19:47, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:

I am more and more convinced that inline special blocks, by their
nature, should not support fine tune options or anything like
attr_latex, attr_html, etc. like its older brothers, as it would produce
an overly complicated syntax.

I would like to stress that styles can not be a rescue in some important cases. Let's leave aside ad hoc final tuning of formatting. In the case of HTML export there are still <img alt="Description"> and <a href="..." title="Description"> attributes that are namely per-object, not part of style.

I was going to raise this issue for several months, so I just have sent to following bug report: Max Nikulin to emacs-orgmode. [BUG] manual: confusing example of adding attributes to a link (affiliated keywords) Mon, 20 Jun 2022 23:25:29 +0700. https://list.orgmode.org/t8q71r$mgv$1...@ciao.gmane.io

I have not heard that PDF offers something similar, but e.g. link with title may be exported as footnote with title text and URL instead of inline link. However to handle such cases generic attributes available to all export backends should be introduced.

Even when styles are enough in principle, attributes may be more convenient since the latter may be composable, so making unnecessary defining every possible (or used) combination of styles.

in html:


Concerning <name> vs. <span class="name">, is it the same for assistive technologies like screen readers to add <strong>text</strong> (or <b>text</b>) and <span class="strong">text</span> with "font-weight: bolder;" in CSS?

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