Fabio Natali <m...@fabionatali.com> writes:

> Incidentally and FWIW, this is a bit counter-intuitive to me. I'd have
> expected everything withing a comment or literal block to be treated as
> content until the ending statement, =#+end_comment= or =#+end_src=
> respectively. I suppose that this makes sense in the larger scheme of
> Org things though?

Each Org document consists of an optional first chapter followed by a
sequence of headlines. Each headline is a sequence of optional section
followed by sequence of child headlines. Each section is a sequence of
ordinary syntax elements. No syntax element ever intersect other

So, headlines always have higher priority over other elements because
they always serve as separators of the document or parent heading

The high priority of headline elements has prons and cons.
Consider the following markdown markup:

     test 1

    (message "Hello world!")

... 100 headings not shown ...

     test 2

    (message "Hello world!")


Should "test 2" be considered a heading?
The answer is not so important in short documents, but long documents
with large number of headings may become very sensitive to incomplete or
broken markup like the above.
In Org, you just need to care about getting the headings right. Issues
with all other markup elements should never go beyond the containing
headline section, which is especially useful when Org document is used
as todo-list with large number of headings.


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