On Jun 18, 2009, at 9:54 PM, Samuel Wales wrote:

Others have pointed out the relevant commands.  Here are some possible
bindings for you.

What I do is bind c-m-arrow, analogous to the way I bind them in Lisp.
Maybe you will find those bindings useful.  The relevant insight is
trees -- both Lisp and outlines instantiate them.

Would be great if they worked on plain list items also, as if those
items were headlines.

Are there any functions to navigate plain lists?


You could make you bindings below work for lists as well by checking context with

org-at-item-p    ;; first line only
org-in-item-p    ;; does not have to be first line


- Carsten

 (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta left)]
 (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta right)]
 (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta up)]
 (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta down)]
;;in gnu lisp, there is no separate up as i have. ud change level. lr go
 ;;back and forward at the same level.  sounds simple in principle.
;;however, that makes it hard to go to the previous visible heading (or ;;last element of prev list in lisp): you have to do up, left, down, right
 ;;upshot: my way is intuitive.  ud goes ud, lr goes same level, ret
 ;;goes up.
 (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta return)]

On 2009-06-18, Rick Moynihan <rick.moyni...@gmail.com> wrote:
I was just thinking that often I want to jump around items in org- mode
more quickly than I do at present, depending on the context of the


* Foo
blah blah blah
* Bar |
blah blah blah
* Baz

Assuming the point is located at | I might want to quickly jump to
previous headings by pushing CTRL-<up>/<down>.

Having this also occur when the point is located within a list would
be nice too.

Does anyone else think this is a good idea?  Or is this another
feature which is already implemented, that I'm not aware of? :-)

Thanks again,


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