Ihor Radchenko writes:

> Invoking search across my notes and archives (all stored in Org, of
> course) yielded the following:
> https://reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/u2ca5c/drawtreeel/
> https://reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/kzeyun/pairtree_a_learning_tool_for_visualizing_elisp/
> linking to
> https://github.com/amno1/draw-cons-tree
> https://github.com/zainab-ali/pair-tree.el (example: 
> https://teddit.namazso.eu/pics/w:2172_vetc0martyb61.png)
> Hope it helps.

Thanks a lot, Ihor! There is some very juicy information there.

> actual notes below:

Awesome notes. Hats off to such a detailed capture (reminds me to give
my poor org-capture templates some more love one day :-))

Best regards,

Juan Manuel

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