Timothy <tecos...@gmail.com> writes:

> As mentioned by Ihor, you’ll want to take a look at the curent version of
> ox-latex, specifically `org-latex-src-block--custom' which now contains `(?c .
> ,caption)'. You may want to consider modifying 
> `org-latex--caption/label-string' to
> accept the form `(element info &optional content-only)' or reimplementing 
> just the
> bits needed for this purpose — which ever works out nicer. Looking at
> `org-latex--caption/label-string' a substring approach looks quite fragile, 
> though
> you might be able to get away with an application of 
> `replace-regexp-in-string',
> though I’d personally consider this a bit of a last resort.

Thanks for the directions Timothy.

I failed to reproduce the old issue with the latest commit to main, so
it looks like this patch is no longer needed. Nice! I'll post back if I
notice any issues in the future, but otherwise I'd say we can consider
this closed.


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