good idea for command.  i like the additional ideas too like the help
text [i hae that put in echo area even in gui].

for even more blue sky stuff, i was thinking along the lines of
information about characters, such as en/locale meanings for cjk.  or
furigana [ruby text] for the echo area.  requires lookup though.  (to
go along with meanings for input method. :))

On 7/14/22, Marcin Borkowski <> wrote:
> On 2022-07-13, at 12:49, Juan Manuel Macías <> wrote:
>> Sorry for the slight offtopic.
> Not off-topic at all, as far as I'm concerned!  (Though sending this to
> help-gnu-emacs might be an even better idea.)  I use `C-u C-x =' pretty
> often, so I fully understand why someone might want to code something
> like this.  Very nice, thanks for sharing!
> You might want to extend it and create a minor mode which would display
> data about the current character in the echo area, Eldoc-style, or in
> a tooltip when you hover the mouse pointer over a character.  Depending
> on what exactly you need, these ideas might be more or less useful, of
> course.
> Also, since the answer to quite a few org-related issues seems to be
> "just insert a zero-width space", making those stand out (like
> non-breaking spaces already are) could also be useful.  FWIW, I have
> this function in my init.el:
> (defun insert-zero-width-space ()
>   "Insert Unicode character \"zero-width space\"."
>   (interactive)
>   (insert "​"))
> (of course, the 0-width space is invisible between the quotes).
> Best,
> mbork
>> Since Unicode and character issues come up here from time to time, I'm
>> sharing this 'homemade' function that I wrote a long time ago for my
>> work, in case someone finds it useful. It Shows a brief descriptive list
>> of all characters in a word at point. Each character includes the
>> Unicode name, code, and canonical decomposition. Example:
>> ἄρχοντα >>
>> ἄ (#1f04) ... GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND OXIA ... descomp:
>> #1f00 #301
>> ρ (#3c1) ... GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO ... descomp: #3c1
>> χ (#3c7) ... GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI ... descomp: #3c7
>> ο (#3bf) ... GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON ... descomp: #3bf
>> ν (#3bd) ... GREEK SMALL LETTER NU ... descomp: #3bd
>> τ (#3c4) ... GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU ... descomp: #3c4
>> α (#3b1) ... GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA ... descomp: #3b1
>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>   (defun describe-chars-word-at-point ()
>>     (interactive)
>>     (setq chars-in-word nil)
>>     (if
>>         (not (current-word t t))
>>         (error "Not in a word at point...")
>>       (let
>>           ((word (current-word t t)))
>>         (save-excursion
>>           (with-temp-buffer
>>             (insert word)
>>             (goto-char (point-min))
>>             (while (re-search-forward "\\(.\\)" nil t)
>>               (let* ((char-name (save-excursion
>>                                   (backward-char)
>>                                   (get-char-code-property (char-after
>> (point)) 'name)))
>>                      (char-desc (save-excursion
>>                                   (backward-char)
>>                                   (get-char-code-property (char-after
>> (point)) 'decomposition)))
>>                      (char-format (concat (match-string 1) "\s" "("
>>                                           (format "#%x" (string-to-char
>> (match-string 1)))
>>                                           ")\s...\s" char-name
>> "\s...\sdecomp:\s"
>>                                           (mapconcat (lambda (cod)
>>                                                        (format "#%x"
>> cod))
>>                                                      char-desc " "))))
>>                 (push char-format chars-in-word)))
>>             (when (get-buffer "*chars in word*")
>>               (kill-buffer "*chars in word*"))
>>             (get-buffer-create "*chars in word*")
>>             (set-buffer "*chars in word*")
>>             (insert (mapconcat 'identity
>>                                (reverse chars-in-word) "\n"))
>>             (view-mode)
>>             (temp-buffer-window-show "*chars in word*"
>>                                      '((display-buffer-below-selected
>> display-buffer-at-bottom)
>>                                        (inhibit-same-window . t)
>>                                        (window-height .
>> fit-window-to-buffer))))
>>           (pop-to-buffer "*chars in word*")))))
>> #+end_src
> --
> Marcin Borkowski

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