Dear list,

This is my problem: I have a large set of org files (created with
org-roam), which contains all my thoughts on different topics (for
example "work1", "work2", "personal1"...)

I would like to create different projects (for example "work1",
"work2", "personal1") to be able to publish these files under
different folders (for example "./pub_work1", "./pub_work2",
"./pub_personal1") for which I could define some filters to decide
what goes where.

The rules should be something likes this:
- nothing is exported, except that
- files with tag "WORK1" are exported in "./pub_work1"
- files with tag "WORK2" are exported in "./pub_work2"
- files with tag "PERSONAL1" are exported in "./pub_personal1"

I cannot use the file name to filter the files, which seems to exclude
the possibility of using the options ":exclude" and ":include" of

Ideally I would like to use tags (or some descriptors I can include
directly in the org file), but I did not have much success using the
options ":with-tags" or ":select-tags".

Can this be done? If so, how?

Thank you very much, best regards.

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