Hi Max,

Sorry for the delayed reply.

On 2022-07-05 at 08:16 -07, Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 03/07/2022 20:25, Ken Mankoff wrote:
>> I had "browse-url-generic-program" set to a script that used xdotool
>> to find if there was a firefox on this desktop, and then sent the URL
>> there. xdotool doesn't play nice withe flatpak, and that was the
>> problem.
> I am not an X11 expert but it sounds strange. The protocol is designed
> to work across network, so it should not matter whether some
> application is running from flatpak. May it happen that after upgrade
> Wayland session is used instead of X11? Though in such case I would
> expect that xdotool should be rather broken due to stricter security
> model.

As you suggested, the problem was not xdotool or X11. It was simply that 
instead of calling

firefox "${1}" &

to open the URL, I needed to call

flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox "${1}" &

> Out of curiosity, what is the reason why you are avoiding firefox as a
> snap package?

I'm not 100 % sure why but I don't like snap. Maybe because it pollutes the 
home folder. I read up on snap vs flatpak vs AppImage and flatpak seemed to get 
the best reviews, so I've gone with that one.


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