Adding back Org ML to the CC.

Janek F <> writes:

> Actually, I am running 28.1 from the Arch Repos, with Doom Emacs.
> Does that still apply?
> Thanks for the pointer anyways.

It does not, indeed.

> I wanted to mark certain filenames as images and added this to my config.el:
> (add-to-list 'image-file-name-regexps "/preview/")
> But when I run `org-toggle-inline-images` now, I get the following error.
> image-file-name-regexp: Wrong type argument: characterp, "/preview/"

I looked further and I am able to reproduce.

However, it has nothing to do with Org. It is a bug in Emacs. In
image-file-name-regexp function. image-file-name-regexp assumes that
image-file-regexps variable is a string.

Please, report this bug to Emacs developers via M-x report-emacs-bug


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