Hello everyone,

I have had difficulties using  org-latex-preview to run properly on Windows.
The main issue seems to be that the user name on windows gets abbreviated
with ~. As far as I understand this generate problems as the temporary
folder cannot be found.

see for instance these posts

and an old post from Vincente Vera

Vincente, suggests altering the temporary environment variable
(setenv "TEMP" "C:\Temp"). I have tried this option and place it in my
.init file but the Temporary file in org-mode uses does not change. 

As a work around I modified the function org-compile-file in lisp/org/
by adding altering the source variable as such

 (let* ((source (replace-regexp-in-string "JEREMI~1" "JeremieJuste"

This is obviously not an ideal solution but I cannot find any other
solution immediately. Have someone else come across the same issue on
Windows? Do you have any suggestions?

Best regards,
Org mode version 9.5.4
GNU Emacs 28.1 

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