"Christopher M. Miles" <numbch...@gmail.com> writes:

> I found ~org-load-modules-maybe~ load modules from ~org-modules~, it's a
> list of ob-* or ol-* elisp modules. Not Julia modules. I searched
> ~org-load-modules-maybe~ function invocation code in org-mode source
> code, have not relative examples. Don't know how to use
> ~org-load-modules-maybe~ to detect whether Julia modules exist and raise
> helpful warning message.

That was what I was actually referring to. ob-julia also requires two
Elisp packages: julia-mode and ESS

Now I see that you were referring to the actual Julia packages. Those
may be caught by Julia session code (org-babel-prep-session:julia) and
then a warning may be displayed.

Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
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