On 7 September 2022, Perry Smith wrote:

I added:

#+LINK: rails  https://rubyonrails.org

to my org file and then I wrote [[rails][Rails]] and when I clicked
the text, it asked me if I wanted to create a section.  I had to kill
the buffer and reload it to get it to work.  That's fine but I'm
wondering if there is a way to make it active without killing the
buffer.  And I also wanted to suggest adding something about that in
the manual.

Perhaps this is a common fact with many of Org modes features that I
missed somewhere?

To tell Org about new keywords like that you need to hit C-c C-c on the keyword (or restart). This is in "The Very Busy C-c C-c Key" in the manual,¹ and "Summary of In-Buffer Settings," but the manual is dense and it's easily overlooked.

However, as a general rule, if you ever want something to happen in Org, try hitting C-c C-c on the line and it probably will.

Welcome to Org!


¹ https://orgmode.org/org.html#The-Very-Busy-C_002dc-C_002dc-Key

William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

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