On 02/10/2022 05:05, Christian Köstlin wrote:
Aforementioned unit-test.

+(ert-deftest ob-D/dub-basics ()
+  (if (executable-find "dub") (org-test-at-id
+       "81E17302-BE76-4E2A-93CA-0A7E121CB7C2" (org-babel-next-src-block 1)
+                      (should (equal "abc, bac, cab, acb, bca, cba, "
+                                     (org-babel-execute-src-block))))))

I am unsure concerning general policy related to org-babel test, so the following is rather discussion than a direct request to change the test.

Is there a way to avoid dependency on remote resources? My concern is test results affected by network issues. In addition, more required 3rd party tools means less probability that a developer after modification of generic babel code noticed that the changes break D backend because missing tool on the development machine. I have no idea how much efforts is required to create a mock for isolated environment.

Another point is that missed dub binary is not reflected in test report. If `skip-unless' feature of ert is available in Emacs-26 then it should be used.

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