Hi David,

> Sorry for that! I somehow thought that the issue would sound familiar
> to more seasoned Org users, and someone would come back with either
> “yeah, you need to do X” or “yeah, that’s a known limitation”.

Each backend is its own beast, somewhat 🙂.

> The export backend is HTML. In case anyone wants to try reproducing
> this, I made a minimal working example here:
> <https://github.com/dlukes/org-html-a-sync-export-syntax-highlighting>

> This looks indeed very similar, thank you! I’ll investigate if I can
> leverage any of the workarounds mentioned.

There’s a decent chance that `engrave-faces' (a package of mine that can now be
used for code blocks in LaTeX) will work in batch mode. Integrating it with
`ox-html', `ox-ansii', and `ox-odt' are all (distantly) on my todo list.

All the best,

Timothy (`tecosaur'/`TEC'), Org mode contributor.
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
Support Org development at <https://liberapay.com/org-mode>,
or support my work at <https://liberapay.com/tec>.

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