According to the digest of [2022-10-16 Sun], orgcard.txt and orgcard.pdf are
thankfully again available online at

When comparing with an old print of the .pdf (about version 7.8.11 by 2012), I
noticed the current .pdf explicitly states to refer to orgmode 9.5.5, while
the .txt version does not.  At present, line 2 only reads

Org Mode Reference Card (for version )

Between 2012 and 2022, orgmode changed some chords e.g., substituted `<s TAB`
by `C-c C-,` to insert a snippet of source code.  Spurred by this example, I
would like to see `orgcard.txt` equally with an explicit statement of the
orgmode version it refers to, i.e. with line 2 to read e.g.,

Org Mode Reference Card (for version 9.5.5)


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