
here is the beginning of `org-element-object-lex`:

  (defun org-element--object-lex (restriction)
    "Return next object in current buffer or nil.
  RESTRICTION is a list of object types, as symbols, that should be
  looked after.  This function assumes that the buffer is narrowed
  to an appropriate container (e.g., a paragraph)."
     ((memq 'table-cell restriction) (org-element-table-cell-parser))
     ((memq 'citation-reference restriction)
     (t …)))

>From what I understand, if `restriction` includes 'table-cell (or
'citation-reference), and if the content isn't a table-cell,
`org-element--object-lex` will immediately return nil without trying
other object types.

Is that a bug?

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

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