On 21/10/2022 10:16, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

I am apologizing if my comments make no sense. I remember a thread on
improper handling on id links in ox-html, so I am a bit surprised that a
link to the whole file (if I got the goal of the patch correctly, of
course) is the only problem with ODT.

It is likely not the only problem. But this thread is about one
particular problem that should also be fixed regardless of others.
If you find other problems, please report them.

I am sorry. I confused this thread with some other bug report. I agree that the original post describes namely file links. When Moritz provided an example in response to your request for more details I decided that more similar problems are coming. Perhaps particular use case does not include links to specific headings in files and I was wrong. On the other hand if ox-odt code works with id links better than ox-html then the former may be a source of inspiration how to fix the latter.

Here, we at least fix the export error. So that people can at least get
some exported .odt file.

I have tried main HEAD (your fix should be applied) and I did not get an error, but the result is quite strange. Consider a single file with an internal link:

:ID:       3c885843-13ad-4dd8-a57f-de8271403b85
#+TITLE: Note A

* H 1
Some text

* H 2
[[id:3c885843-13ad-4dd8-a57f-de8271403b85][Link to Note A]]

Link in the exported document:

<text:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="test-odt.org">Link to Note A</text:a>

I would expect a target withing the same .odt file.

Properties as displayed in LibreOffice UI are even more peculiar:
Document path
Target in document is empty.

My expectation for path is file:///tmp/d/test-odt.odt or at least file:///tmp/d/test-odt.org, but certainly not their combination. I am unsure if you consider this observation as relevant to this thread.

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