I apologize, the settings described in Point 1 actually have no effect.
Multi line input works out of the box (at least with "ghci" as
described). However, the result output is still scrambled (e.g., empty
lines, unnecessary "ghci>" prompts in results)


Dominik Schrempf <dominik.schre...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I have trouble using Haskell code blocks in Org Mode.
> 1. I need to use the following Org Mode file header:
> #+property: :header-args:haskell: :prologue ":{\n" :epilogue ":}\n"
> #+begin_src haskell :exports none :results none
> :set prompt-cont ""
> #+end_src
> Otherwise, the results of Haskell code blocks are scrambled.
> 2. I need to set `haskell-process-type' to `ghci'. The default
> interpreter `cabal-repl' does not find any external modules (even core
> modules included with GHC).
> However, I get the error message "org-babel-script-escape:
> ‘org-babel-script-escape’ expects a string", when executing the first
> code block which starts the interpreter. Seemingly, the error has no
> effect because everything works fine.
> 3. I have to set `org-edit-src-content-indentation` to 0, and always put
> the source code to text column 0, otherwise syntax highlighting does not
> work.
> Do others have the same problems? If so, have there been discussions
> about how to improve this situation?
> Thank you for your help!
> Dominik

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