>>> "IR" == Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:
>> Hi 
>> I run a relative recent GNU Emacs and org master, however please
>> consider the following example:
>> When exporting to html or odt (using dvipng in both cases) the first set
>> of equations in the source block are ignored.
>> Can somebody please confirm this, and tell me whether I should open a
>> BUG report.
>> ...
>> * A source block provides to export latex equations
>> #+begin_src latex :results latex replace :exports results :eval t

> Of course, the source block is ignored.
> According to 16.6 Results of Evaluation section of the manual,

> ‘latex’
>      Results enclosed in a ‘BEGIN_EXPORT latex’ block.  Usage example:
>      ‘:results value latex’.

> So, you are exporting results of the evaluation, which is latex export
> block. Such block will only get exported to latex. By definition.

So what shall I do then? I have an org file with matlab source code and latex 
formula, having the latex formula surrounded by a block as in 
#+begin_src latex :results latex replace :exports results :eval t

Results in nice fortification. However sometimes I need to export the org file 
to odt/html and would like to have the mathematical formula translated, so what 
would be the best strategy?

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