On 29/10/2022 11:59, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Functions in org-capture-before-finalize-hook have access to the
contents of the capture buffer text. So, one can call `start-process' to
run notify-send shell command and put the actual captured text into the
notification (displayed briefly or for longer time according to the
switches passed to notify-send).

I like this idea. Reading your message from Sat, 29 Oct 2022 02:59:51 +0000 I decided that for yourself you set up an Emacs frame as a pop-up to display capture result. However I believe it is better to use either org-clock or Emacs notify functions directly instead of notify-send tool.

Samuel, I suggested notify-send tool as a means to debug notifications in isolation (without `org-capture'). Have you managed to configure notification-daemon, dunst or some other alternative to get acceptable appearance and proper timeout before notification disappears.

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